

16th March 2020

Dear Parents,

Asslamalaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu

As you will no doubt be aware, the UK government’s advice, as of today, is to restrict any gatherings in an effort to stem the spread of COVID-19 (commonly known as Coronavirus).

Whilst we appreciate that children are carriers and are not thought to be adversely affected themselves, there remains the real risk that they could spread any virus to the elderly at home. Additionally, the interaction between parents at drop-off and collection times is exactly the type of gatherings that we are now being told to avoid.

Therefore, as a responsible organisation, we have taken the difficult decision to close
Madrassah with immediate effect.

We understand that some parents may feel that this action is premature, but in arriving at this decision, we have taken into account the fact that IQRA operates out of a public
building with many organisations and members of the public having access to the same.

We have attached great weight to the Prophetic Hadith relating to the spread of diseases and operating a ‘safety-first’ approach. We have also considered the opinions of leading scholars who have gone so far as to even recommend that the congregational prayer should be temporarily suspended.

Insha’Allah, we hope to re-open the Madrassah after the Easter break on 20th April 2020.

In the meantime, we will email you with further details as to how your child is expected to continue with their studies at home through the means of distance learning. It is imperative that you must monitor your emails on a daily basis.

Yours Sincerely,

Iqra Foundation Management Team