Rules and Regulation

Attendance Policy

It is important that the child arrives on time for lessons to start promptly.

Parents are responsible to ensure that the student attends the Madrassah every day for the full duration of the whole term so as to not fall behind in any subject.

Lateness affects children’s progress and also disrupts others in class. The habit of valuing time and being punctual helps in all walks in life.

All students are responsible for having and maintaining their own Qaida’s, Juz Amma, Qur’an and syllabus books.

Students are expected to attend every day and arrive on time to the Madrassah apart from exceptional circumstances when a note should be provided by the parents.

All absences must be explained by a note from the parent / guardian.

Any student who leaves the Madrassah without notice or without a valid reason will be given three warnings, after which the Madrassah Management Team may decide to exclude the student and their decision will be final.

Absence by a student of 2 weeks or more without notification will automatically terminate the child’s place from the Madrassah if no justifiable reason is given after consulting with the parents.

The starting time of the Madrassah is 5:15pm and finishes at 6:45pm. It is the responsibility of the parents to bring and collect the student to and from the Madrassah on time. Students will not leave the Madrassah before the allocated finishing time.

Collection by Parents/Guardians

The Madrassah will not be responsible for transport arrangements to/from the Madrassah.

Children should be dropped off and collected from the Madrassah at the correct time.

If for some unavoidable reason you are unable to arrive in time to collect your child after Madrassah Class, please inform the Madrassah immediately so arrangements can be made to look after your child.

Children should be picked up and dropped off to and picked up from the class room and under no circumstances outside of the building.

Children who are in year 3 and below will not be able to leave the Madrassah until a parent/guardian has arrived to collect them.

If parents want their year 3 or younger children to walk home with an older sibling/ pupil, they must notify us of this in writing. In this case, the Madrassah will not be responsible once the child has left the Madrassah premises.

Student Dress Code

All students are required to wear clothing which conforms to Islamic dress. All students are expected to adhere to the Madrassah uniform.

Boys – a white topi/cap and white Jubbah;

Girls – a black scarf and black Abayah.

Madrassah Property

Mobile phones, toys, gadgets, electronic devises etc must not be brought to Madrassah. Any such items found in the possession of students may be confiscated.

Students should not bring unnecessary items into the Madrassah, and must look after their belongings whilst on the premises. The Madrassah shall not accept responsibility for any damage to and / or loss of any student’s belongings.

Student(s) and/or their parents / guardians shall be liable for the cost of any damage to the Madrassah property.

Behaviour for Learning

Any student whose continued presence at the Madrassah is deemed to be harmful to other students will be expelled from the Madrassah and in any such cases the decision of the Management Team will be final.

To show any form of disrespect to the teachers will be inexcusable and any student found guilty of such behaviour will be liable for expulsion and in these cases the decision of the Management Team will be final.

The Management Team reserves the right to terminate any student’s admission when it deems necessary with a valid reason. Anyone whose admission is terminated has no legal remedy against the Madrassah.

Complaints Procedure

In the event of any dispute/disagreement that cannot be resolved this will be passed onto the Management Team.

Any parent/guardian may arrange a meeting with the Headteacher or a member of the Management Team by appointment


All children MUST make wudhu BEFORE coming to the Madrassah.

In case of any accident or illness to your child, we will inform you immediately. However, if we are unable to contact you, we will be obliged to provide all necessary medical assistance from Madrassah first aid or your G.P. or the local hospital unless you inform us in writing otherwise.

The Madrassah reserves the rights to amend existing rules or introduce new rules at any time.

Updated 27 April 2021